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1. 风水 (Fēngshuǐ) - Feng shui。2. 命理 (Mìnglǐ) - Chinese astrology。3. 八字 (Bāzì) - Four Pillars of Destiny。4. 飞星 (Fēixīng) - Flying Stars。5. 五行 (Wǔxíng) - Five Elements。6. 阴阳 (Yīnyáng) - Yin and Yang。7. 气场 (Qìchǎng) - Aura。8. 活水 (Huóshuǐ) - Living Water。9. 神位 (Shénwèi) - Position of the Gods。10. 龙虎地 (Lóng hǔ dì) - Dragon and Tiger Land。11. 八宅 (Bāzhái) - Eight Mansions。12. 三元 (Sānyuán) - Three Cycles。13. 玄空 (Xuán kōng) - Xuan Kong Flying Stars。14. 太岁 (Tàisuì) - Grand Duke Jupiter。15. 吉凶 (Jíxiōng) - Good and bad luck。


1. 风水 (fēng shuǐ) - Feng Shui, the Chinese system of geomancy that utilizes the natural landscape and the elements to create harmony and balance in the environment.。2. 气场 (qì chǎng) – Qi field, referring to the flow and circulation of energy in a given space and how it affects the people and objects within it.。3. 蟾宫 (chán gōng) - Moon Palace, a term used in Feng Shui to refer to the location of the front door of a building.。4. 八卦 (bā guà) – The eight trigrams of the I Ching, which are used in Feng Shui to determine the auspiciousness of a particular location or direction.。5. 阴阳 (yīn yáng) – Yin and yang, the complementary forces that create balance in the universe and are important in the practice of Feng Shui.。6. 八字命理 (bā zì mìng lǐ) – The Eight Characters of Destiny, a Chinese astrological system that is also used in Feng Shui to determine one's luck and destiny.。7. 坐向 (zuò xiàng) – The orientation or facing direction of a building or room in relation to the surrounding environment.。8. 风水布局 (fēng shuǐ bù jú) – The arrangement and placement of furniture, objects, and decor in a space to create a harmonious and balanced environment.。10. 神兽 (shén shòu) – Sacred animals or beasts, such as dragons and phoenixes, which are often used in Feng Shui as symbols of power and strength.。


1. 风水 (fēng shuǐ) - Feng Shui, the Chinese art of placement for harmonious living and working spaces。2. 招财进宝 (zhāo cái jìn bǎo) - attract wealth and prosperity。3. 龙 (lóng) - dragon, a powerful symbol of Feng Shui。4. 凤凰 (fèng huáng) - Phoenix, a symbol of rebirth and good fortune。5. 八卦 (bā guà) - Bagua, an arrangement of eight trigrams used in Feng Shui to analyze energy in a space。6. 风水罡位 (fēng shuǐ gāng wèi) - Feng Shui energy points, used to determine optimal placement of objects and furniture。7. 五行 (wǔ xíng) - Five Elements, a concept used in Feng Shui to represent different aspects of energy (wood, fire, earth, metal, water)。8. 神兽 (shén shòu) - Mythical beasts, such as dragons, turtles, and lions, used as Feng Shui symbols。9. 墓地 (mù dì) - Grave site, an important factor in Feng Shui for determining energy flow and harmony with the surroundings。10. 风水师 (fēng shuǐ shī) - Feng Shui master or practitioner, an expert in the art of Feng Shui.。