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季节性服装:seasonal clothing

1. hat 带沿的帽子

2. (over)coat 大衣

3. headband 头巾

4. leather jacket 皮夹克

5. winter scarf 保暖围巾

6. gloves  手套

7. headwrap 头巾;发带

8. jacket 夹克

9. parka 风雪大衣

10. mittens 连指手套

11. ski hat 滑雪帽

12. leggings 打底裤;紧身裤

13. earmuffs 耳套

14. down vest 羽绒背心

15. ski mask 滑雪面罩

16. down jacket 羽绒服

17. umbrella 伞

18. raincoat 雨衣

19. poncho 雨披

20. rain boots 雨靴

21. trench coat 风衣(军用雨衣)

22. swimming trunks 男式泳裤

23. straw hat 草帽

24. windbreaker 防风夹克

25. cover-up 罩衫;在海边穿的毛巾上衣

26. swimsuit/bathing suit 泳衣/泳衣

27. sunglasses 太阳镜

内衣和睡衣 underwear and sleepwear

1. undershirt 汗衫;背心

2. thermal undershirt 保暖内衣

3. long underwear 长款内衣

Mens underwear男士内衣

4. boxer shorts 短裤

5. briefs 三角裤

6. athletic supporter/ jockstrap (男运动员用的) 护挡;护身三角绷带

Uni Socks 男女皆宜的袜子

7. ankle socks 短袜

8. crew socks 水手式短袜;脚踝以上之袜

9.dress socks 一种配男式正装的袜子

Women's Socks 女袜

10. low-cut socks 低帮袜子

11.anklets 短袜

12. knee highs 长筒袜

Women's Underwear 女士内衣

13.(bikini) panties 比基尼内裤;三角裤

14. briefs/ underpants 三角裤;短内裤

15. body shaper/ girdle 塑身裤;塑身腰带

16. garter belt 吊袜松紧带

17. stockings 长袜

18. panty hose 连

19. tights 紧身

20. bra 文胸

21. camisole 贴身女背心

22. full slip 长衬裙

23. half slip 半身短衬裙

Sleepwear 睡衣

24. pajamas 睡衣裤

25. nightgown 女睡衣

26. slippers 拖鞋

27. blanket sleeper 棉绒睡衣;拉链睡衣裤

28. nightshirt 衬衫式长睡衣;男用长睡衣

29. robe 长袍

英语励志文案 | Seasonality

Seasonality, with its eternal carousel of change, serves as a poignant oracle, whispering in the wind to remind us of the transient nature of our existence. Like a waltz under the ephemeral moon, the seasons gracefully pirouette, imprinting upon our souls a resounding truth: life is but a fleeting symphony.

In the symphony of existence, the changing seasons act as a melodious refrain, an ethereal echo reverberating through the corridors of our consciousness. As we bear witness to the perpetual cycle of rebirth and decay, we are beckoned to shed the veil of indifference and immerse ourselves fully in the present moment. It is within this sacred juncture that we uncover the hidden profundity of life's intricate tapestry.

Each transition from one season to another becomes a glorious metaphor, a brushstroke of impermanence gently splashed upon the canvas of our earthly sojourn. The vibrant blossoms of spring whisper tales of new beginnings, of hope and resplendent growth. The lazy days of summer caress our senses, inviting us to revel in the warmth of the sun's embrace. The majestic hues of autumn dance in the wind, carrying with them the wisdom of letting go. And the hushed whispers of winter remind us of the necessity of stillness and introspection.

In this exquisite dance, the seasons become our resolute guide, illuminating the path towards a more mindful existence. They urge us, with fervent insistence, to savour each precious instant, knowing that it shall too pass. They beseech us to embrace the profundity hidden within every breath, every heartbeat, every fleeting second.

Seasonality, as a gentle maestro, conducts the symphony of life and invites us to become active participants in its grand performance. It serves as a luminary, reminding us of the dire importance of wholeheartedly embracing the present. For it is within this embrace that the whispers of eternity intertwine with the delicate threads of our transient journey, allowing us to find solace, purpose, and fulfillment amidst the swirling chaos of existence.







