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今日头条扬州8月29日电 (通讯员 谢艺彤) 为了追求更优的教育风景,为了心中的那份教育热忱,7月5日,南京师范大学泰州学院教师教育学院“萤萤之火,灼华凤城”暑期公益实践团队的成员在苏州、泰州等地开展了“趣味学英语”这门课程。通过自我介绍,玩游戏,演话剧等活动,让孩子们自主走进英语小天地,探索未知,发现奥秘;通过动画,歌曲,欣赏作品等方式让小朋友们在形象生动的学习中发现乐趣,轻松掌握知识。百花争艳,雨丝风片,趣味课堂教学之路漫漫,“萤火之行”团队走的每一步都是积跬步而至千里的过程,他们在思考和实践中前进,在总结与交流中发展,与祖国的花朵携手共聚温暖和力量。





引言: 在学习英语时,熟练使用正确的动词短语和动词搭配是提高语言表达能力的关键。动词短语是由一个主要动词和一个或多个副词或介词组成的固定搭配,而动词搭配则是指某个动词与特定的名词、形容词或副词搭配使用时的惯用用法。在本文中,我们将探索英语中常见的动词短语和动词搭配,帮助读者更好地掌握英语口语和写作技巧。

一、常见的动词短语(Phrasal Verbs):

Take off - 脱下,起飞 例句:He took off his coat before entering the room.(他进房间之前脱下了外套。) The plane will take off in ten minutes.(飞机将在十分钟后起飞。)Give up - 放弃 例句:Don't give up just because of one failure.(不要因为一次失败就放弃。) She gave up smoking last year.(她去年戒烟了。)Look forward to - 期待 例句:I'm really looking forward to the weekend.(我非常期待周末。) She's looking forward to meeting her favorite singer.(她期待见到她最喜欢的歌手。)Put off - 推迟 例句:We had to put off the meeting until next week.(我们不得不把会议推迟到下周。) Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today.(今日事今日毕。)Break up - 分手,结束 例句:They decided to break up after years of dating.(经过多年的约会,他们决定分手。) The meeting broke up after two hours of discussion.(两个小时的讨论后会议结束了。)


Make a decision - 做决定 例句:It's time for you to make a decision about your future.(是你做关于未来的决定的时候了。) She made a brave decision to quit her job and start her own business.(她勇敢地决定辞职创业。)Take into account - 考虑到 例句:You should take his opinion into account before a decision.(在做决定之前,你应该考虑一下他的意见。) The company took the market demand into account when developing their new product.(公司在开发新产品时考虑到了市场需求。)Keep in touch - 保持联系 例句:Let's keep in touch and meet up for lunch sometime.(我们保持联系,有时间一起吃个午餐。) They promised to keep in touch even after they moved to different cities.(他们承诺即使搬到不同的城市也会保持联系。)Take advantage of - 利用 例句:She took advantage of the opportunity to learn a new skill.(她利用这个机会学习了一项新技能。) The company decided to take advantage of the low prices and buy more supplies.(公司决定利用低价买更多的物资。)Make progress - 取得进步 例句:He has been working hard and great progress in his studies.(他一直在努力学习,并在学业上取得了很大的进步。) The team made significant progress in their project within a short period of time.(团队在短时间内在项目中取得了重大进展。)

结语: 熟练掌握常见的动词短语和动词搭配对于提高英语的口语表达和写作能力至关重要。通过不断积累和使用这些固定搭配,我们可以更加准确、流利地传达自己的意思,使语言更富有表现力。希望本文能够为读者提供帮助,让您的英语表达变得更加精准和自然。