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1. 第一篇

March breeze with moist, blows over the hills and fields, spring is coming.

  Bid farewell to the cold winter, the birds fly freely in the sky, like to celebrate the arrival of spring.

  You see, the sky white clouds forms and change multiterminal, like a magical magician magic from behind the clouds.

  River, hits the trees smoke a lamina, greedy sucking the spring sunshine.

  Ono flowers blossom, a swarm of bees "buzz" honey from flower to flower. A few butterflies came also, their beautiful wings hovering in the flowers, the flowers become more vibrant.

  A stream wound its way into the distance, the glittering under the sun. A few duckling jumped into the water, exult in the water jump, chasing each other.

  In large areas of wheat fields, green wheat seeding full sunshine rain and dew of spring, is thriving.

  "The season of a year is in the spring, spring is the season of planting, is the season of nature is at its best, I love the beautiful spring.









2. 第二篇

  Spring girl came. She had a smart little scissors in her hand. She cut the thick black clouds, cut the trees on the mountain into buds, cut the willows on the lake into green, cut the peach flowers on the corner of the wall into red, cut the grass on the ground into green and cut the jasmine flowers in the grass into yellow.


  The colorful butterflies are dancing to welcome the spring girl. The snow-white seagulls are packing to go back home. The birds are chattering about the gifts brought by the spring girl. The little fish sticks out from under the lotus leaves to feel the taste of spring. The little ducks are playing happily on the clear lake.


   I took off my thick cotton padded jacket and put on my beautiful skirt. I went to the park with my father and mother to look for the spring girl. She had been here for a long time. She put the kite in the sky, brought the warm sunshine to the park, helped the earth to put on the green coat, and helped the little tree to put on the hat full of flowers.


3. 第三篇


  In spring, you take life and hope, ride the spring wind, step on the drizzle, walk lightly, fly over the mountains, jump over the rivers, come all the way, and all the places you go are full of vitality.


  When spring comes to the orchard, the bright red peach blossom, the snow-white pear blossom and the light pink apricot blossom are competing for splendor. They are actually open to each other. Looking from afar, a sea of flowers. The hard-working bees are busy in the garden, the beautiful butterflies are dancing, the birds are singing melodious songs, like saying that I love you in spring.


  When spring came to the fields, the green wheat fields waved to us, the yellow rape flowers showed a beautiful and moving smile, and the farmers uncles face showed a happy smile, breaking the silence and quiet meditation in the morning.


  When spring comes to the garden, pink cherry blossom, golden jasmine, white lily and colorful rose make up a beautiful star river. The little girls put on beautiful flower skirts, run around the fountain and fly a kite happily. The aunts put on the gorgeous dance clothes, and with the beautiful music, they danced the charming square dance.


  I love spring, love the recovery of everything, love its spring, love its flowers, love its vitality, love its flowers.



1. 第一篇

March breeze with moist, blows over the hills and fields, spring is coming.

  Bid farewell to the cold winter, the birds fly freely in the sky, like to celebrate the arrival of spring.

  You see, the sky white clouds forms and change multiterminal, like a magical magician magic from behind the clouds.

  River, hits the trees smoke a lamina, greedy sucking the spring sunshine.

  Ono flowers blossom, a swarm of bees "buzz" honey from flower to flower. A few butterflies came also, their beautiful wings hovering in the flowers, the flowers become more vibrant.

  A stream wound its way into the distance, the glittering under the sun. A few duckling jumped into the water, exult in the water jump, chasing each other.

  In large areas of wheat fields, green wheat seeding full sunshine rain and dew of spring, is thriving.

  "The season of a year is in the spring, spring is the season of planting, is the season of nature is at its best, I love the beautiful spring.









2. 第二篇

  Spring girl came. She had a smart little scissors in her hand. She cut the thick black clouds, cut the trees on the mountain into buds, cut the willows on the lake into green, cut the peach flowers on the corner of the wall into red, cut the grass on the ground into green and cut the jasmine flowers in the grass into yellow.


  The colorful butterflies are dancing to welcome the spring girl. The snow-white seagulls are packing to go back home. The birds are chattering about the gifts brought by the spring girl. The little fish sticks out from under the lotus leaves to feel the taste of spring. The little ducks are playing happily on the clear lake.


   I took off my thick cotton padded jacket and put on my beautiful skirt. I went to the park with my father and mother to look for the spring girl. She had been here for a long time. She put the kite in the sky, brought the warm sunshine to the park, helped the earth to put on the green coat, and helped the little tree to put on the hat full of flowers.


3. 第三篇


  In spring, you take life and hope, ride the spring wind, step on the drizzle, walk lightly, fly over the mountains, jump over the rivers, come all the way, and all the places you go are full of vitality.


  When spring comes to the orchard, the bright red peach blossom, the snow-white pear blossom and the light pink apricot blossom are competing for splendor. They are actually open to each other. Looking from afar, a sea of flowers. The hard-working bees are busy in the garden, the beautiful butterflies are dancing, the birds are singing melodious songs, like saying that I love you in spring.


  When spring came to the fields, the green wheat fields waved to us, the yellow rape flowers showed a beautiful and moving smile, and the farmers uncles face showed a happy smile, breaking the silence and quiet meditation in the morning.


  When spring comes to the garden, pink cherry blossom, golden jasmine, white lily and colorful rose make up a beautiful star river. The little girls put on beautiful flower skirts, run around the fountain and fly a kite happily. The aunts put on the gorgeous dance clothes, and with the beautiful music, they danced the charming square dance.


  I love spring, love the recovery of everything, love its spring, love its flowers, love its vitality, love its flowers.


“Autumn is the mellower season, and what we lose in flowers we more than gain in fruits.” – Samuel Butler



Autumn is a season when leaves turned and fruit ripened.


“Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree.” – Emily Brontë


“Autumn is the season to find contentment at home by paying attention to what we already have.” – Unknown


For man, autumn is a time of harvest, of gathering together. For nature, it is a time of sowing, of scattering abroad.-- Edwin Way Teale


No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace, as I have seen in one autumnal face. ~ John Donne

无论是春天的俏,还是夏天的美,都不及秋天的这份优雅。 ——约翰·邓恩



Spring, with its magical green world, its blossoming trees and singing birds, beckoned to all weary souls: take heart, take hope, renew your strength."

- Jane Kirkpatrick, A Flickering Light


- 简·柯克帕特里克,《摇曳的光芒》


首先,blossoming表示“(花朵)正在盛开”,beckon to意思“引诱,感召”,这里用来表达春天的美景和气息吸引着疲惫的灵魂们前来感受和享受。看两个例句:

[浮云]She captured the essence of the blossoming cherry trees in her painting, using vibrant colors and bold brushstrokes.(她用鲜艳的颜色和粗犷的笔触在画作中捕捉到了盛开的樱花树的精髓。)

[浮云] The smell of freshly brewed coffee in the morning always beckons me to start my day. (早上新鲜煮的咖啡香气总是召唤我开始新的一天。)

其次,句中使用了多个并列结构,如“its magical green world, its blossoming trees and singing birds”和“take heart, take hope, renew your strength”,这种并列结构的运用使句子更加富有韵律感和节奏感。再来看几个例句:

[浮云]Explore, learn, and discover new things to expand your horizons.(探索、学习、发现新事物,拓宽视野。)

[浮云]Dream big, work hard, and never give up on achieving your goals.(要有大梦想,要努力工作,永远不要放弃实现自己的目标。)

[浮云]Love deeply, laugh often, and cherish the moments that make life worth living.(深爱、常笑、珍惜那些让生活变得有意义的时刻。)