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What then is ? The power to live as one wishes.


Marcus Tullius Cicero 西塞罗

This phrase suggests that can be defined(定义) as the ability to live according to one's own desires and choices. It implies(意味、暗示) that true lies in having the autonomy(自主权) and agency(代理、力量) to shape and determine one's own life.


To understand this phrase, it is important to consider the context in which it is used. It reflects a perspective(角度、视角) that emphasizes individual liberty(自由) and self-determination. It suggests that when individuals have the power to make choices aligned(关联) with their own values, beliefs, and goals, they experience a sense of .


However, it is worth noting that does not imply complete independence from societal or legal constraints.(约束) Instead, it implies the absence of undue restrictions that prevent individuals from pursuing their own paths or stifling(扼杀、意志) their self-expression.


This quote also raises philosophical questions about the balance between personal and the impact of our choices on others. While the phrase emphasizes personal autonomy, it is important to recognize that true should also respect the rights and well-being of others, as the exercise of one's should not infringe(侵犯) upon the and rights of others.


In summary, this phrase suggests that encompasses(包括) the power to live according to one's own wishes, but it should also be understood within the framework of respecting the rights and well-being of others.





Labour is light where love doth pay. 爱情作酬报,劳苦必轻松。 这句谚语的意思是,如果有爱情的回报,任何劳动都会变得轻松愉快。它体现了爱情对人们的鼓舞和激励作用。我们可以用这句话来赞美那些为了心爱的人而努力工作或学习的人,或者用来安慰那些因为工作或学习而感到辛苦的人。

Laugh and grow fat. 心宽体胖。 这句谚语的意思是,笑能使人身体健康和心情愉快。它暗示了笑对人们的身心健康有益处,也表达了一种乐观和积极的生活态度。我们可以用这句话来鼓励那些遇到困难或压力的人要保持好心情,或者用来开玩笑地夸奖那些笑容可掬或身材丰满的人。

Let bygones be bygones. 既往不咎。 这句谚语的意思是,过去的事情就让它过去吧,不要再追究或纠缠。它体现了一种宽容和大度的精神,也表达了一种向前看和放下包袱的态度。我们可以用这句话来劝说那些因为过去的错误或伤害而耿耿于怀的人要原谅自己或他人,或者用来表示自己对过去的事情不再计较或介意。

Look before you leap. 三思而后行。 这句谚语是从英国一种叫做leap-frog的跳跃游戏借用过来的,它的意思是,在做任何事情之前,要先考虑清楚后果和风险。它体现了一种对事情的谨慎和理智的处理方式,也表达了一种对冲动和鲁莽的防范和避免。我们可以用这句话来提醒那些轻率或冒失的人要慎重行事,或者用来表示自己对某件事情的犹豫或担忧。

Love is blind. 爱情是盲目的。爱情会让人忽略或容忍对方的缺点或错误。它体现了一种对爱情的无条件和无私的投入,也表达了一种对爱情的理想和美好的期待。我们可以用这句话来赞美那些不计较或包容对方的人,或者用来开玩笑地批评那些盲目或迷恋对方的人。

Lost time is never found again. 时间一去不复返。时间是无法挽回或重复的,一旦失去就永远找不回来。它体现了一种对时间的珍惜和尊重,也表达了一种对时间的利用和管理。我们可以用这句话来教育那些浪费时间或拖延事情的人要抓紧时间和机会,或者用来激励那些享受生活或创造价值的人要不断进步。






Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains.


Life is what happens when you're busy other plans.


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.


The unexamined life is not worth living.


No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.


Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better.


"Chains":在字面上,"chains" 是指一系列用金属环连在一起的链条,常用来捆绑或锁住某物。在许多文学和哲学的语境中,"chains" 往往被用作象征,代表对自由的限制、束缚,或者是社会、道德、心理等各种形式的压力和限制。

Life: 生活,人生。指的是生物从出生到死亡的整个过程,也可以指人的日常生活和经历。

Plans: 计划。表示预先设计或准备做某事的意图。

Evil: 邪恶,恶行。通常用来指那些有害或道德上错误的行为。

Good: 善良,好的。在此语境中,它通常指道德上正当或积极的事物。

Triumph: 胜利,成功。通常指在比赛、战斗或艰难情况中取得的成功。

Unexamined: 未经审查的,未经考察的。指没有被仔细思考或分析的事物。

Island: 岛屿。在这个引用中,"island"被用作一个象征,表示一个人不能孤立地生活,每个人都是社会的一部分。

Continent: 大陆,洲。这是地理术语,但在这个语境中,它用作象征,表示所有人都是更大社区或社会的一部分。

Freedom: 自由。通常指在行动、思考或表达方面不受限制或控制的状态。

Chance: 机会。指可能会发生的事情,或者有做某事的机会。

《经济学人》双语:如何写一本畅销书?(Part 1)


Pulp fictionHow to write a bestsellerNo one knows. But a good guess is quickly. And don’t stint on the full stops低俗小说如何写一本畅销书无人知晓,但尽快行动,不要吝啬使用句号

[Paragraph 1]DANIELLE STEEL books deal with “Family. Courage. Loyalty”, as the cover of one explains. They are also about “Wealth. Fear. Revenge. Love”, as the cover of another has it. 丹尼尔·斯蒂尔的书籍以“家庭、勇气、忠诚”为主题,正如其中一本封面所介绍的那样。另一本封面上则写着“财富、恐惧、复仇、爱情”。Ms Steel herself has said she writes “about stuff that happens to all of us”. 斯蒂尔女士自己说过,她写的是 "发生在我们每个人身上的事情"。Though arguably she focuses a little more on the sort of stuff that involves Wealth. Palazzos. Emotions in Capital Letters. 不过可以说,她更关注是那些涉及财富、豪宅时尚、强烈情感等话题。A little less on the sort of stuff that involves Tax Returns. Cutting One’s Toenails. Buying Groceries.


[Paragraph 2]But that hardly matters. For her books are also about selling staggering numbers of copies. 但这无关紧要。因为她的书籍销量惊人。Ms Steel has written over 200 books—the latest, “Happiness”, came out in August, and her next, “Second Act”, will be released in October. 斯蒂尔已经写了 200 多本书--最新的《幸福》于 8 月出版,下一本书《第二幕》将于 10 月出版。She is one of the world’s bestselling living authors (according to some claims, the best) and has sold over a billion copies. 她是世界上最畅销的在世作家之一(有人称她是最优秀的作家),作品销量已超过 10 亿册。

Her novels are a literary sediment, settling on the shelves of holiday cottages everywhere. 她的小说就像文学沉淀物,在各地度假别墅的书架上随处可见。She has created not merely books but a brand: everyone, whether or not they have read them (and most will claim “not”), knows what “a Danielle Steel” is. And so naturally the literary world ignores her.她不仅创作,还创造了一个品牌:每个人,无论是否读过(大多数人会说“没读过”),都知道“丹妮尔·斯蒂尔”意味着什么。因此,文学界自然对她只字不提。

[Paragraph 3]Publishing is an odd business. It is worth around $37bn in Britain and America alone, but you would never know this from the literature that it produces, which focuses on books in the brainy vein rather than anything so vulgar as volumes that actually sell. 出版业是一个特殊的行业。仅在英国和美国的市场价值就达到 370 亿美元,但从它所出版的文学作品中,我们永远无法了解到这一点。因为这些文学作品侧重于富有智慧的书籍,而不是像真正畅销的书籍那样庸俗。

One authoritative history of English literature contains 60-odd mentions of “Shakespeare”; ten on “the sublime”; eight on “blank verse”—but a blank silence for concepts such as “business” and “turnover”. 在一本权威的英国文学史中,60 多处提到“莎士比亚”;10处提到了“崇高”;8 处提到了 "无韵诗",--但对 "商业 "和 "营业额 "等概念却只字未提。

[Paragraph 4]In another literary history, popular novels—those “jam tarts for the mind” as William Thackeray, the British novelist, called them—are mentioned, but with a wince, under the heading: “Problems of popular culture”. 在另一部文学史中,通俗小说——即威廉·萨克雷所称之为“心灵杂碎”的书籍——在 "通俗文化问题 "的标题下被提及,但带有不悦之情。When Gore Vidal wrote an article on bestsellers it opened with the observation that “ has its own integrity”—and became more dismissive from there.戈尔·维达尔写了一篇关于畅销书的文章,开篇就说“狗屎也有其完整性”--从此对畅销书不屑一顾。

[Paragraph 5]The book business, however, depends on those despised bestsellers. 然而,图书业务却依赖于那些被鄙视的畅销书。September is when publishers release the titles that they hope will be their money-spinners. Yet most books will be loss-. 9月是出版商发布他们预测能带来丰厚利润书籍的时间。然而,大多数书籍都是赔本的。To produce, print and publicise a book costs about £12,000-15,000 ($15,000-19,000), says Mark Richards of Swift Press, an independent publisher. 独立出版商“斯威夫特出版社”的马克·理查兹表示,出版、印刷和宣传一本书的成本约为12,000-15,000英镑(15,000-19,000美元)。

He reckons that it takes around 5,000 copies to break even. 他估计需要卖出约5,000本才能收回成本。Most books never come close: only 0.4% of titles in Britain last year sold more than that, according to Nielsen BookData. 大多数图书都无法达到这个数字:根据尼尔森图书数据公司的统计,去年英国只有 0.4% 的图书销量超过这个数字。Ms Steel’s books, by contrast, have sold 268,000 in Britain this year. 相比之下,斯蒂尔女士的书今年在英国售出 26.8万册。Jam tarts they may be, but that is why people gobble them up.畅销书可能是心灵杂碎,但这正是人们对它们趋之若鹜的原因。

[Paragraph 6]And yet publishers seem to have an almost total inability to predict which books will sell. 然而,出版商似乎完全无法预测哪些书会畅销。As Markus Dohle, then the boss of Penguin Random House, a large publisher, said last year, “Success is random. Bestsellers are random. So that’s why we are the Random House.” 正如大型出版商“企鹅随机之家”时任老板马库斯·多勒去年所说,“成功是随机的,畅销书是随机的,这就是我们取名“随机之家”的原因。”

Editors less sagely select winners than buy literary lottery tickets and hope for the best. 与其说编辑们能明智地选出畅销赢家,不如说他们在购买文学然后希望能够得到最好的结果。Taking credit for a bestseller is, as Jonathan Karp, the chief executive of Simon & Schuster, has said, “like taking credit for the weather”. 正如“西蒙与舒斯特公司”首席执行官乔纳森·卡普所说:将畅销书归功于自己,“就像把功劳归功于天气一样”。

[Paragraph 7]The word “best-seller” first appeared in the 1890s, with the first authoritative lists following soon after. Patterns emerged quickly. “畅销书”这个词最早出现在1890年代,随后不久就出现了第一批权威榜单。很快就出现了一些规律。The writing can be good (H.G. Wells, an English writer, shot to the top of early rankings); but it need not be (just read “The Da Vinci Code” by Dan Brown). 文笔可能很好(例如英国作家H.G.威尔斯早期的排名名列前茅);但文笔也可能不好(读一读丹·布朗的《达芬奇密码》就知道了)。Sex sells well, but celebrity sells best. Prince Harry’s “Spare”, published in January, broke records for the fastest-selling non-fiction book.色 情销量很好,但名人故事销量最好。哈里王子1月份出版的《备用》打破了非虚构类图书销售最快的记录。

[Paragraph 8]In 2018 a group of researchers from Northeastern University analysed almost eight years’ worth of New York Times bestsellers and observed a few general patterns. 2018 年,美国东北大学的一组研究人员分析了《纽约时报》近八年的畅销书,观察到了一些普遍规律。Some elements of bestsellers are similar, says Burcu Yucesoy, the lead author. 首席作者布尔库·尤瑟索伊表示,畅销书的某些元素是相似的。

Aspiring writers should bear in mind that fiction sells better than non-; thrillers and romance sell best of all; name recognition matters (so write lots); and if you must write non-fiction, which does not sell, make it biography, which does. 有志于写作的人应该记住:虚构小说比非虚构小说卖得更好;惊悚小说和言情小说卖得最好;名字辨识度很重要(所以要多写);如果你一定要写非虚构类书籍(非虚构书不畅销),建议写传记,因为传记好卖。

(恭喜读完,本篇英语词汇量757/1533左右)原文出自:2023年9月2日《The Economist》 Culture版块


本文翻译整理: Irene

本文编辑校对: Irene仅供个人英语学习交流使用。

【补充资料】(来自于网络)丹尼尔·斯蒂尔(Danielle Steel)是一位享誉世界的畅销作家,她出生于1947年8月14日,是美国的一位作家。她以撰写浪漫小说而闻名,涵盖了不同主题,如家庭、友情、爱情和人生的挑战。她的小说通常情节引人入胜,情感丰富,赢得了全球读者的喜爱。丹尼尔·斯蒂尔也是当代史上最畅销的作家之一,已出版了多达180多本小说,并在全球范围内售出了超过10亿册的作品。她的作品被翻译成多种语言,并在世界各地畅销不衰。丹尼尔·斯蒂尔是一个多产作家,她以她的创作才华和故事的吸引力赢得了全球读者的忠实支持。

"Emotions in Capital Letters"(大写字母中的情感)源自于互联网文化中的一种表达方式,通常用于表示强烈的情感或者突出某种感受。使用大写字母来表达情感是一种非正式的表达方式,在社交媒体、论坛或者聊天应用中较为常见。它可以用于表达愤怒、兴奋、快乐、惊讶等情绪。

【重点句子】(3个)The book business, however, depends on those despised bestsellers. 然而,图书业务却依赖于那些被鄙视的畅销书。And yet publishers seem to have an almost total inability to predict which books will sell. 然而,出版商似乎完全无法预测哪些书会畅销。Aspiring writers should bear in mind that fiction sells better than non-; thrillers and romance sell best of all; name recognition matters (so write lots); and if you must write non-fiction, which does not sell, make it biography, which does. 有志于写作的人应该记住:虚构小说比非虚构小说卖得更好;惊悚小说和言情小说卖得最好;名字辨识度很重要(所以要多写);如果你一定要写非虚构类书籍(非虚构书不畅销),建议写传记,因为传记好卖。

