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Translation of US Birth Certificate:。Certificate of Birth。State of _________。Registration District No. _________。File No. _________。Name: _________________ Sex: ________________ Date of Birth: ___________。Place of Birth: _________________________________。Father's Name: _________________________ Age: ___________ Birthplace: ____________。Birthplace: _________________________________。Date Filed: ________________________。Issued by: ________________________________________。Certification of Legal Translation:。I, (translator's name), certify that I am proficient in both English and (target language) and that the above translation of the US Birth Certificate is a true and accurate translation of the original document.。Signature: ___________________________。Date: _______________________________。Notarization for US Birth Certificate:。State of _________。County of ________。Given under my hand and official seal, this (date).。Notary Public: ___________________________。(My Commission Expires: ________________)。


美国出生纸翻译模板:。Birth Certificate。State of [State where the birth occurred]。County of [County where the birth occurred]。This certifies that [Name of the person] was born on [Date of birth] in [City and State of birth] to [Name of father] and [Name of mother].。Given under my hand and seal this [Date of certification].。[Name of the issuing authority]。[Seal of the issuing authority]。美国出生纸三级认证明公证书翻译模板:。公证书。本人,[翻译人姓名],在此证明,根据本人在[州名]州[城市名]市[机构名称]的证明,本人已经翻译了[姓名]的美国出生纸,并且翻译的内容属于对原件的准确翻译。本人的证书编号为[证书编号],这是一个合格的公证翻译员的证书。本人承诺,翻译的内容是真实、准确、完整的,并且本人在翻译过程中没有进行任何更改或省略。本人在[日期]签字。[翻译人姓名]。[翻译人签字]。[翻译人证书编号]。


Translation of a US Birth Certificate。State of California, Department of Public Health。Certificate of Live Birth。Name: [Name]。Sex: [Gender]。Date of Birth: [Date of Birth]。Place of Birth: [City], [State], USA。Mother's Name: [Mother's Name]。Father's Name: [Father's Name]。This certifies that the above-named person was born alive on the date and at the place shown above.。Given under my hand and the seal of the Department of Public Health, State of California, on the date shown below.。[Signature of Registrar]。[Seal of the Department of Public Health]。Date Filed: [Date Filed]。Date Issued: [Date Issued]。Certificate Number: [Certificate Number]。上户口美国加州出生纸翻译盖章:。Translation and Notarization of a California Birth Certificate。我,[翻译人姓名],是一名正式认证的翻译人员,特此翻译并证明此美国加州出生证明,该证明已经按照原件一致地翻译成中文。此证明已被认证,并已盖上本人印章以证明其真实性。翻译人姓名:[翻译人姓名]。翻译日期:[翻译日期]。印章:[翻译人印章]。Notary Public。州/省:[州/省]。县:[县]。认证日期:[认证日期]。印章:[公证员印章]。


The translation of a US birth certificate and the process of registering it in China。美国出生纸的翻译:。A US birth certificate typically includes the following information:。- Full name of person born。- Date and place of birth。- Name of parent(s) and their birthdates and birthplaces。- Name and address of hospital or birthing center。- Name and signature of attending physician or midwife。If the birth certificate is not in English, it will need to be translated. Some countries require that the translation be done by a certified translator. The translated document should include a statement by the translator certifying that they are competent to translate from the original language to the target language.。美国出生纸在中国上户口的流程:。1. Translation: If your birth certificate is not in Chinese, you will need to have it translated by a certified translator. The translation should include a statement by the translator certifying their competence.。2. Notarization: Once the translation is complete, you may need to have it notarized by a local notary public. This will provide official verification of the translation.。3. Authentication: After notarization, the document may need to be authenticated by the Chinese embassy or consulate in the US. This process involves submitting the document, along with any required forms and fees, to the embassy or consulate for review and approval.。4. Registration: Once the authenticated birth certificate and translation are in hand, you can take them to the local authorities in China to register for a hukou. The specific requirements and procedures for this step may vary depending on your location and circumstances.。It is important to note that the process may take some time and require patience and persistence. It is a good idea to seek the advice of a local attorney or other expert to help you navigate the process.。


美国出生纸翻译:。CERTIFIED TRANSLATION OF A BIRTH CERTIFICATE。I, [Translator's Name], certify that I am fluent in the English and Chinese languages, and that the following is a true and accurate translation of the document entitled:。BIRTH CERTIFICATE。Name of Child: [Child's Name]。Date of Birth: [Date of Birth]。Place of Birth: [Place of Birth]。Father's Name: [Father's Name]。Mother's Name: [Mother's Name]。Witness my hand and seal this [Date of Translation] day of [Month, Year].。[Translator's Signature]。[Seal or stamp]。加州旧金山出生纸翻译落户口:。CERTIFIED TRANSLATION OF A CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO BIRTH CERTIFICATE FOR RESIDENCY。I, [Translator's Name], certify that I am fluent in the English and Chinese languages, and that the following is a true and accurate translation of the document entitled:。BIRTH CERTIFICATE。Name of Child: [Child's Name]。Date of Birth: [Date of Birth]。Place of Birth: [Place of Birth]。Father's Name: [Father's Name]。Mother's Name: [Mother's Name]。Witness my hand and seal this [Date of Translation] day of [Month, Year].。[Translator's Signature]。[Seal or stamp]。


Certificate of Live Birth。State of Texas。Certificate Number: [insert number]。This Certifies that [insert name], a female/male child was born alive to [insert mother’s name] and [insert father’s name] at [insert place of birth], on [insert date of birth]. The birth was attended by [insert attending physician/midwife name].。This Certificate of Live Birth is a true and accurate representation of the facts on file with the Texas Department of State Health Services Vital Statistics Unit.。Authorized by [insert name and title],。[insert signature and date]。Registrar。Certification of Vital Record。State of Texas。County of [insert county]。I, [insert name], certify that I am the custodian of records for the Texas Department of State Health Services Vital Statistics Unit and that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of the Certificate of Live Birth on file with our office.。Witness my hand and official seal on [insert date].。[insert signature of custodian of records]。Custodian of Records。


美国出生纸的翻译可以用以下格式:。证明。这是证明 _____________,生于 _____________ 年 _____________ 月 _____________ 日,于 _____________(城市/州/国家)出生,并获得 _____________(城市/州/国家)的出生证明。证明他/她的父母是 _____________ 和 _____________,他/她的国籍是 _____________。此翻译为译者 _____________ 原文为英文。日期:_____________ 签名:_____________。派出所对出生纸翻译件的4种要求:。1. 翻译件必须与原件一致,准确无误地翻译出原件的内容。2. 翻译件必须附上翻译人员的个人信息,包括姓名、联系方式等。3. 翻译件必须加盖翻译人员的印章,以保证翻译人员身份真实。4. 翻译件必须具备法律效力,在用于公证、申请签证或者其他法律用途时能够得到有效认可。


美国出生纸的翻译。如果您需要将美国出生纸翻译成其他语言,以下是一些需要知道的信息:。1. 格式。美国出生纸是一个正式文件,必须按照规定格式进行翻译。在翻译文件中必须包含以下信息:。- 您的姓名和联系方式。- 翻译日期。- 翻译者的姓名和签字。- 翻译者的资格证明和专业背景。2. 语言。美国出生纸可以翻译成您所需的任何语言。然而,由于不同国家和地区有不同的规定,您需要确保您的翻译符合目的地国家或地区的规定。3. 认证。在某些情况下,您需要对美国出生纸进行认证才能使用翻译文件。以下是三种认证级别:。- 简单认证:翻译者简单地签署声明,证明翻译的准确性。- 专业认证:翻译者是一名有证书和经验的专业人士,并且签署声明证明翻译的准确性。- 官方认证:翻译者必须与当地政府机构注册,以获得官方认证。美国出生证明出生纸三级认证及翻译攻略。如果您需要使用美国出生证明出生纸的翻译文件,您需要进行三级认证:。1. 简单认证。简单认证是最基本的认证级别。在简单认证过程中,翻译者签署一份声明证明翻译的准确性。您只需要提交翻译文件和简单认证声明即可。2. 专业认证。如果您需要更正式的认证,您可以选择专业认证。在专业认证过程中,翻译者必须是一位经验丰富的专业人士,并签署一份声明证明翻译的准确性。您需要提交翻译文件、专业认证声明和翻译者的资格证明。3. 官方认证。如果您需要使用翻译文件进行官方用途,您需要进行官方认证。在官方认证过程中,翻译者必须与当地政府机构注册,以获得官方认证。您需要提交翻译。


美国出生纸翻译模板:。Birth Certificate Translation。Document Information:。Name:。DOB:。Place of birth:。Gender:。Father’s name:。Mother’s name:。Date of issue:。I certify that I am a professional translator and that the following is an accurate translation of the original document, which is written in (language).。Translation:。State of (state name)。Department of Health。Certificate of Birth。This is to certify that (name) was born on (date) in the city of (city name), (state name), United States of America, to (father’s name) and (mother’s name).。This certificate is issued in accordance with the provisions of the Vital Statistics Act of (year) and is registered in the office of the state registrar.。Given under my hand and seal of office this (date) day of (month), (year).。(signature)。(name and title)。美国新泽西州出生证明纸翻译模板:。Birth Certificate Translation。Document Information:。Name:。DOB:。Place of birth:。Gender:。Father’s name:。Mother’s name:。Date of issue:。I certify that I am a professional translator and that the following is an accurate translation of the original document, which is written in English.。Translation:。STATE OF NEW JERSEY。DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SENIOR SERVICES。VITAL STATISTICS REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH。This certificate is issued in conformity with the law and is a true and correct transcription of all facts recorded on the original record in the custody of the State Registrar of Vital Statistics.。Certificate Date: (date)。Birth Date: (date)。Birthplace: (city), (county), New Jersey。Full Name of Child: (name)。Father’s Full Name: (name)。Full Name and Address of Attending Physician or Midwife:。(name)。(address)。I certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.。(signature)。(name and title)。